Thursday, January 7, 2016

Who Am I?

     There is peace in knowing where one's heart lies with God.  He is the essence of all being.  He is the creator of all life.  There is no question who I am in this life.

...or is there?

     I've found there to be a trend of discontentment among those who seek meaning.  It seems to be quite common to use the cliche comment, "I'm still trying to figure out who I am."  As individuals, we try to find some sort of worldly fulfillment that will define our being.  Sadly, we are forever seeking and searching....and still looking for some kind of answer that confirms we have purpose.

We won't find our meaning in worldly sources.

     There's absolutely nothing in the world that will make us feel accepted, loved, assured, or fulfilled.  If it does not follow you after your life is over, it cannot give you meaning.

"Let my life be the proof of Your love." - For King and Country

     No life can ever be more meaningful than a close walk with God. Isaiah 58:11 says, "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not." You can have a perfect Savior guiding you through His perfect plan while filling you with His perfect love.  How could life be more......perfect?

     On a personal side note, I've struggled with this message.  I felt called to talk about it several months ago.  I began a blog and saved it as a draft many different times.  There have been several different versions of this one message that have not satisfied my mind.  I cannot simply speak of His glory; that would consume an infinite number of pages that I cannot begin to type.  I cannot give you a simple answer to the question, "Who am I?"  If you are not a Christian, the answer is short: You're a sinner in need of saving.  If you're a Christian, the answer is beautifully complex, yet simple at the same time.  You're the child of the King, clay of the Potter, lamb of the Shepherd, patient of the Great Physician, and so much more... But to put it in the most simple terms: You are His.  That's all that matters.

     Finally, I overcame the struggle I felt for so long.  There is no better way for me to express the purpose He gives me, but through poetry.

Who Am I?

I long to find the person who holds the answer to my query.
I seek this wisdom from wrong sources and I'm starting to grow weary.
After all is said and done...
And this race has yet to be won,
He finds me in the darkness of my despair.
He lifts me up where I can see beyond this wall of doubt and fear.
And before I can even speak...
He gives me the answer for which I seek,
"You are mine."

Lord, You meet me in the sunshine and You meet me in the storm.
Why do You make the time to love me even when I am so truly worn?
You suffered so much pain...
All for just my gain...
I know not what You saw in me when You hung upon that cross.
Who am I in the eyes of the one who gave His life to pay my cost?
When there was no good in me,
You made me worthy.
"You are mine."

My child, I gave My life so you would never wonder who you are on this earth.
My infinite love has defined every moment of your life since before your birth.
You needed me so bad...
And My son was all I had...
Never doubt that your life holds meaning.
I've planned good things since the beginning.
All because He paid...
I will forever say,
"You are mine."

You are His.  May He forever be your purpose,

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