Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Surviving College With Your Faith Intact

College can make or break your faith in God; this can be true for those of you who commute or live on campus.  At this point in my college career, I've commuted, taken classes online, and lived on a college campus.  No matter where you are, there are battles to face and you have to be prepared to overcome them all.  I've developed a number of things to do in your day-to-day schedule that keep your mind focused on Him.

Keep a prayer journal.  That's right... When you pray, don't let your mind wander off into thoughts of what you should be studying or how much stress you feel toward one class.  Write your prayers down so you can stay focused and you can finish your thoughts.  Prayer is very important because it develops your relationship with God.  Don't let your prayer life lack.  Period.  There's never a good enough excuse for that.  If you let it slide, you'll find that your anxiety goes up and your hope goes down.  Stay close to God in prayer and meditation.

In fact, pray constantly.  It's so important, it deserves two paragraphs.  Journals are good for down time when you are alone with your mind and your pen.  Prayer in your thoughts is best when you're on the move from class-to-class and you have that little bit of time to talk to God.  I found myself doing this a lot especially when I was walking to a class that had an exam waiting for me.  It's necessary. Stay in contact.

Find a good roommate.  If you're a campus dweller, this is crucial.  A Christian roommate is preferred so that they can share your feelings and beliefs, but it's not absolutely necessary.  If they are not a Christian person, look at it as your opportunity to be a light to them.  A good roommate is somebody who encourages you, leaves you sweet notes on your whiteboard, brings you back tasty food, and is basically your best friend on campus.  I had a roommate like that and I'll always thank God for her.

Surround yourself with a good crowd.  Typically, people will associate you with who you allow yourself to be seen with... This means hang with quality if you want to be seen as quality.  It is a lot more important for this crowd to have similar views as you.  You can't always dictate who your roommate will be, but you definitely can control who you hang with.  Not only will you develop a poor image in the wrong crowd, but your faith will crumble under the pressure to adhere to different ideas.  Find the right friends and you'll be sure to have an easy conscience and a good college experience.

Leave yourself Bible verse post-it notes.  Note only does this encourage you to study the Bible more frequently, but it's a constant reminder of God's promises.  You might even find yourself memorizing a few along the way.  They're good to keep on your mind.

Find a Christian fellowship group.  This is your mid-week pick-me-up.  You'll feel drained every single day of college life, but having that Christian outlet is the biggest relief among the chaos.  From my experience, a Christian fellowship is full of God-fearing people who are looking to praise God in every way possible.  We had prayer nights, Bible studies, question-and-answer services, and sooooo much group worship.  Make time for God and you will be blessed.

Find that one study buddy.  This will probably be somebody you share a major with... They will be your motivation, comedian, friend, and teacher.  Studying is about getting right down to business for 5+ hours each night and your study buddy will always be right there to help you through it.  You both want the grade and each other's company so you make it work.  Sometimes this even means you have to put down the textbooks and pick up the Bible.

Study your Bible.  Trust me, I know it's difficult and probably by now you're wondering, "Where am I going to find the time for all of this?"  I promise it's possible to study your Bible in the midst of college life.  I'm not saying you have to dedicate several hours to this point.   Simply making a promise to yourself to read and meditate on one verse each day is perfectly acceptable.  The point is that you made time for God and it will be enormously beneficial to you.

Don't neglect church.  It is incredibly easy to get out of the habit of going to church every weekend when you begin living without a parent's influence.  Suddenly you have to set your own alarm and iron your own clothes.... yeah, it's a crazy adult life.  I always came home on the weekends and attended my own church, but when I stayed on campus, I tried to find a good substitute.  Look around for churches and see what is available to you.  You won't regret staying true to your church life.  It is your Godly instruction, worship time, and even more talks with Him.

College life is crazy and hectic, but God wants to be with you through it all because He loves you.  In the happiest times and in the times when all you can do is break down in tears, remember that He is always there to listen. Doing your best doesn't mean doing it alone.

"Have not I commanded thee?  Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." - Joshua 1:9

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