Thursday, February 1, 2018

Through my baby. To my Lord.

I've had an interesting couple of days.  Between studying for exams, going to class, and working, God squeezed in the time to give me a huge blessing.  He used a school project to accomplish this task.

I was scheduled to wear an "Empathy Belly" for 24 hours.  This was supposed to give me an idea of what pregnant women go through when they are 6 months pregnant.  As I had this belly strapped to me, I endured some crazy back pain, breathlessness while walking, and the need to pee every few minutes. 

I mildly chuckled to myself and thought, "Maybe being pregnant isn't what I wanted so badly after all."

That's a lie.  I've prayed too hard about being able to get pregnant to feel anything other than desire for my own child. 

Through that yucky, fake experience, I found a very intimate time with God.  I found it incredible that God could instill maternal instincts in a woman that were so strong that she would want to mother the belly where a baby should be.  I found myself reaching for my "belly" several times or being careful not to knock it on things.  I had never experienced that before, yet I had the desire to mother what wasn't physically inside me.

That's when it occurred to me... What if a baby had actually been there?  I still wouldn't be able to physically see the child unless I viewed it in an ultrasound picture, but let's face it... You can't tell what any baby actually looks like in one of those.  An ultrasound can tell you about basic physical attributes.  Tests can tell you how that baby works.  Monitors can tell you what that baby is feeling.

Is that a lot different from our view of Christ?  Our Holy Father is so infinitely incredible and beautiful, but do we treat our being with the same care that we treat our bodies when we have a baby living inside of us?  The Bible is there to tell us about God's attributes, how He works, and what He feels... but do we get as excited about that?

"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." - Galatians 2:20

If you're a born again Christian, Christ lives within you.

He's shaping you and molding you for His purposes.  In a like manner, a baby will shape and mold a woman's body when it lives in the womb.  That child grows and you grow with him.  The more it grows, the more you love.

What is even more amazing is the fact that you can't love without God so God absolutely has to be a part of that entire process from conception to birth and the life that is to come with that child. 

"He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." - 1 John 4:8

I even believe that God created pregnancy to be in this specific manner so that faith would be a little closer in our grasp.  As women, we work to prepare our bodies to be fit for bearing a child.  Personally, I've spent countless numbers of prayers focusing on that aspect of my life.  I try to stay healthy and I try to do research on how to make the whole process perfect.  Making all this preparation for a little something that I can't see for 9 months... but I'll know it's there because I'll be able to feel it and get a small glimpse of it along the way.

I want to apply that same concept to my relationship with God.  I want to mold who I am as closely to what He needs me to be to fulfill His will.  I need to do my research in the Bible as diligently as I would if I was going to learn how to care for my own child.  I need to take care of me and my spiritual health so I can house the King of Kings inside me.  Instead of being rewarded with a baby, I'll inherit a mansion in Heaven and a life of praising Him for all eternity.

Ultimately, my Christian preparation will lead me to a happier, healthier baby because I've given it all to God right from the beginning.

I'm thankful that God did not wait for me to be pregnant to reveal this to me.  I can make preparations now to make myself a better Christian woman, which is exactly what my future son or daughter will need most of all.

Through My Baby.  To My Lord.

I talked with God today.
I told Him about the missing pieces of my heart.
I felt the love in my Groom's embrace.
Under marriage, we are bound.
In God, we are one.
Through my baby.  To my Lord.

I felt a change in me.
Something new and so fulfilling.
I know You are inside me.
I feel You moving within me.
I have never laid eyes on You.
But I already love You.
Through my baby.  To my Lord.

I grow with You.
I make myself form to Your desires.
Absolutely overwhelmed by the power of Your being.
I'm happy in the journey.
Move aside the parts You don't need.
I want to make Your home in me fit for a King.
Through my baby.  To my Lord.

I'm going to meet You face-to-face.
I will behold Your beauty and perfection.
At awe by who You are.
We will hold each other close.
There is nowhere I would rather be.
You are mine. I am Yours.
Through my baby.  To my Lord.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trust = Worship

In my life, I have considered many things forms of worship.  For instance, I like to worship God in song, writing, speaking, praying, etc.  Many people like to use their artistic talents to worship Him as well.  I've known many people who play an instrument, draw pictures, paint portraits, and dance in the name of the Lord.  There are SO many ways to worship God.  But what does all that worship mean if there is no trust that comes with it?

Recently, I was visiting a local church and something the speaker said has never left my mind. He said, "Trust is the ultimate form of worship."  That was all he said about trust and it was all that was needed to make me ponder.  I had never considered trust to be a form of worship, especially not the "ultimate" form.  Of course, I didn't think much about it before because I thought of it as something you just "do" as a Christian.

If I were to rephrase his statement, I would probably say, "Trust is the root of all worship."  How does anything work if you don't trust your Creator, your Provider, and your Deliverer?  Our first steps as Christians are built on trust: We accept Jesus into our hearts and we are baptized to show the world that we are born again Christians.  

Why even bother taking these steps if we don't trust that we're truly saved?

In Psalm 9:10, the Bible says, "And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, Lord, hast not forsaken them that seek thee."  As children of God, we will never be forgotten or go unloved.  We have the promise of an eternity in Heaven.  This is why we take those first steps in trusting God.  I always considered these the "fundamentals."  This is the core of my belief system and I don't change it.  It's a constant in my life.

Where do I go wrong?

I'm wrong when I choose action over prayer and meditation (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
I'm wrong when I want to plan my own life (Jeremiah 29:11)
I'm wrong when I say I'm incapable of doing something (Philippians 4:13)

Sadly, I'm guilty of doing all these things on a daily basis... not that my faults get in the way of God's ultimate plan.  God has gone above and beyond to make my life right every time I've tried to mess it up.  God lifted me out of depression.  God made me change my major in college because I was running from my true calling.  He made me transfer colleges so I could have a deeper focus on Him.  He made my best friend the man of my dreams... and then made him my fiance.  I am SO blessed.

I guarantee that a lot of the struggle I had to endure could've been avoided if I had started out with complete trust in God over the situation.  It took that entire journey to see that my trust in God's plan is the key to my success.  It's the reason I can believe everything will be alright even when I feel like my world is falling down.  It's the reason I have hope. 

I said all of that to say this... Our faith is rooted in trust; therefore, our worship is rooted in trust.  

You've seen the work of the Lord.  You've felt Him moving in your life.  There's nothing that should hold us back from giving God every bit of faith we contain.  In Proverbs 3:5-6, it says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways, acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  We have the promise that our God will give us direction when we seek Him first.  

I once sat in a KCU chapel where I was struck by a most profound sentence, which I had to scramble to write down in my notebook.  The preacher said, "There is nobody more appropriate to be the authority over your life than the Author of Life."  God spoke our life into being and He didn't leave us to wander alone.  To think that the God who made EVERYTHING has the time to love me and care about the details of my life is absolutely beyond my comprehension.  

Trust is defined as the "firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something."  Trust is the complete surrender of your life to God's will.  Trust is digging down deep within yourself and rehashing all the pain and discontentment in your life and asking God to take it from you.  Trust is revealing your most joyful memories and pleasantries of life and letting God enhance each day with the things you love.  Trust is knowing you're okay no matter what because the God of all creation said He wouldn't leave you.

With this in mind, it's easy to feel the desire to hand over everything in your life that you had withheld from God before.  You give him your pain and the stress, but also the happiness and the blessings.  Everything is His.  But it's a lot more difficult to remember His faithfulness in all aspects of our lives when we are not frequently exposed to His promises.

Expose yourself to His Word.  Get in the Bible.  Make Bible verse sticky notes (refer to my past blog, Surviving College With Your Faith Intact).  Put it out in the open.  Put your trust in Him... Not only the fundamental trust, but the entire give-it-all-to-Him trust.  He is faithful and you will never be forsaken.

Expose yourself to Him.  There are so many excuses as to why you shouldn't talk to God about the most intimate parts of your life..."He already knows."... "That happened so long ago."... "It doesn't matter anymore."  God cares.  He wants to know how you feel and He wants to comfort you.  It doesn't matter what you've done; you will never be too far gone for forgiveness. There is nothing more comforting than knowing that your trust is planted in the One who can once again bring you to a place of peace.

Romans 15:13 states, "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost."

Putting your trust in Him will fulfill you and give Him total glory for all the plans He has for you.  He's worthy of praise and, most definitely, your trust.  Praise Him with your trust wherever you are in life because there is nobody who could ever love you more.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Surviving College With Your Faith Intact

College can make or break your faith in God; this can be true for those of you who commute or live on campus.  At this point in my college career, I've commuted, taken classes online, and lived on a college campus.  No matter where you are, there are battles to face and you have to be prepared to overcome them all.  I've developed a number of things to do in your day-to-day schedule that keep your mind focused on Him.

Keep a prayer journal.  That's right... When you pray, don't let your mind wander off into thoughts of what you should be studying or how much stress you feel toward one class.  Write your prayers down so you can stay focused and you can finish your thoughts.  Prayer is very important because it develops your relationship with God.  Don't let your prayer life lack.  Period.  There's never a good enough excuse for that.  If you let it slide, you'll find that your anxiety goes up and your hope goes down.  Stay close to God in prayer and meditation.

In fact, pray constantly.  It's so important, it deserves two paragraphs.  Journals are good for down time when you are alone with your mind and your pen.  Prayer in your thoughts is best when you're on the move from class-to-class and you have that little bit of time to talk to God.  I found myself doing this a lot especially when I was walking to a class that had an exam waiting for me.  It's necessary. Stay in contact.

Find a good roommate.  If you're a campus dweller, this is crucial.  A Christian roommate is preferred so that they can share your feelings and beliefs, but it's not absolutely necessary.  If they are not a Christian person, look at it as your opportunity to be a light to them.  A good roommate is somebody who encourages you, leaves you sweet notes on your whiteboard, brings you back tasty food, and is basically your best friend on campus.  I had a roommate like that and I'll always thank God for her.

Surround yourself with a good crowd.  Typically, people will associate you with who you allow yourself to be seen with... This means hang with quality if you want to be seen as quality.  It is a lot more important for this crowd to have similar views as you.  You can't always dictate who your roommate will be, but you definitely can control who you hang with.  Not only will you develop a poor image in the wrong crowd, but your faith will crumble under the pressure to adhere to different ideas.  Find the right friends and you'll be sure to have an easy conscience and a good college experience.

Leave yourself Bible verse post-it notes.  Note only does this encourage you to study the Bible more frequently, but it's a constant reminder of God's promises.  You might even find yourself memorizing a few along the way.  They're good to keep on your mind.

Find a Christian fellowship group.  This is your mid-week pick-me-up.  You'll feel drained every single day of college life, but having that Christian outlet is the biggest relief among the chaos.  From my experience, a Christian fellowship is full of God-fearing people who are looking to praise God in every way possible.  We had prayer nights, Bible studies, question-and-answer services, and sooooo much group worship.  Make time for God and you will be blessed.

Find that one study buddy.  This will probably be somebody you share a major with... They will be your motivation, comedian, friend, and teacher.  Studying is about getting right down to business for 5+ hours each night and your study buddy will always be right there to help you through it.  You both want the grade and each other's company so you make it work.  Sometimes this even means you have to put down the textbooks and pick up the Bible.

Study your Bible.  Trust me, I know it's difficult and probably by now you're wondering, "Where am I going to find the time for all of this?"  I promise it's possible to study your Bible in the midst of college life.  I'm not saying you have to dedicate several hours to this point.   Simply making a promise to yourself to read and meditate on one verse each day is perfectly acceptable.  The point is that you made time for God and it will be enormously beneficial to you.

Don't neglect church.  It is incredibly easy to get out of the habit of going to church every weekend when you begin living without a parent's influence.  Suddenly you have to set your own alarm and iron your own clothes.... yeah, it's a crazy adult life.  I always came home on the weekends and attended my own church, but when I stayed on campus, I tried to find a good substitute.  Look around for churches and see what is available to you.  You won't regret staying true to your church life.  It is your Godly instruction, worship time, and even more talks with Him.

College life is crazy and hectic, but God wants to be with you through it all because He loves you.  In the happiest times and in the times when all you can do is break down in tears, remember that He is always there to listen. Doing your best doesn't mean doing it alone.

"Have not I commanded thee?  Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." - Joshua 1:9

Fish Jar

Say hello to the Fish Jar!

This is one of the most fun and fascinating projects I've ever created.  My inspiration came from My Aqua Jar.  If you've never seen one of their ads, it looks basically like what I've put together only more professional and thorough. (haha)  If you're like me and you're too impatient to order everything and wait on it, then this is the perfect project for you.  This would be awesome for workspace and dorm rooms too as long as there is a window available to allow sun to hit the plant.

Materials you will need:
- Wide mouth mason jar
- Small plant (mint is planted in the picture)
- Marbles (or gravel)
- Plastic fruit cup (Dole Fruit n Gel cup in the picture)
- Beta fish

Begin by drilling 4 holes into your plastic fruit cup (do this with some TLC so you do not break the plastic).  Now you may put your small plant in the fruit cup.

Place enough marbles or gravel to cover the bottom of your mason jar.
Fill the jar 5/6 of the way full (just enough that the bottom of the plant touches the water).
At this point, you can add a very small plant.  In my jar, I attached a Beta Bed to the side. These can be found at your local Pet Smart.

Get your fish adjusted to the water by transferring it to a small bag (I used a sandwich bag) and placing it in the jar to the best of your ability.  There may be a small amount of overflow so place a towel underneath the jar.  After about 5 mins, remove the fish from the bag and put it in the jar.  I would suggest administering some stress coat liquid to the jar since they've endured a hard day of moving from place-to-place.

Feed the fish sparingly then place the small plant on top of the jar.
I hope you enjoy your jar of fish!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Work Must Go On

     I feel like it is unnecessary for me to point out that there has been an enormous amount of tragedy in recent events.  Hearing about it has left me sorrowful and righteously vexed at the same time.  Each of these stories left me with the feeling as if my safety is constantly in jeopardy.  Sometimes I find myself begging God to give me peace while I'm in class or driving down the road.  I'm constantly reminded that I'm a child of the King so I never need to doubt that God will protect me.  I have no clue what could happen, but no matter what happens I want to be used for the glory of God.

     Sometimes God ministers to me using song lyrics.  Recently, I was reminded of Do Something by Matthew West, which answers a lot of questions that have been running through every person's mind after so many horrible events... "God, why don't you do something?"

God said, "I did.  I created you."

     If that's not a slap in the face for many people (including myself), I don't know what would do the job.  God calls us all to be His example in the world.  People should be able to tell you are a Christian by the way you conduct yourself.  Romans 12:1-2 states, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

     God sent His son to die for us and he simply asks for our "reasonable service" in return?  It would have been so easy for God to send us all to Hell without blinking an eye... but He chose to love us despite our sin.  As a people for God, we should be making an effort everyday to be more and more like Jesus, which is the greatest example the world will ever see.

"If not us, then who?  If not me and you... Right now, it's time for us to do something.  If not now, then when will we see an end to all this pain?  It's not enough to do nothing.  It's time for us to do something."
Let this song speak volumes to you...

     Another song I've found to be a help is Words by Hawk Nelson.  This best applies to the ongoing presidential election (God help us) and it inspired me to pick up the pen once more.  I have never seen so many poorly phrased and misinterpreted statements as I've seen in the presidential debates.  The selection is poor and our nation is in need of God's mercy after seeing what kind of corruption will be in undeserved power after Election Day.

"Words can build you up.  Words can break you down.  Start a fire in your heart or put it out."

     Our biggest problem is the fact that there are too many words putting out our fires rather than setting in ablaze.  Why did our fire go out?  Where is our passion?  Lord, heal us... a broken people.

    The potential leaders of our country are using words and living in ways that are totally immoral and the people are sitting on their hands and saying, "Well, we have no choice."

    As long as you are alive, you have a choice.  You choose God.  You choose to love.  You do something.  This isn't the end.  Don't start begging God to come back because as long as you're on this earth, you have a purpose.  God will come when He's ready.  Until then, you do your reasonable service.

"Let my words be life.  Let my words be truth.  I don't wanna say a word unless it points the world back to You."
Enjoy this one as well...

     The beautiful part of doing the work of God is that God's plan is perfect and comes with tremendous rewards.  The song I thought that was most fitting for this is Bury the Workman by Unspoken.

"You can bury the workman, but the work will go on.  You can silence the voices, but you can't stop the song.  When the Spirit's moving, His will will be done."
So much good music...

     No matter what happens, God's plan will be fulfilled.  God's people will have a home with Him in Heaven.

     Seek the Lord first, spend time in prayer, and understand your calling as a workman.

     As always, I speak to you with a heart full of love and mind full of frantic words that I can't type out fast enough.  I'm thankful that the Word of God cannot be silenced.  It's truth and it's our only hope.  I don't mean to overwhelm anybody. Thankfully, God gives us a peace that is only found in Him.

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Who Am I?

     There is peace in knowing where one's heart lies with God.  He is the essence of all being.  He is the creator of all life.  There is no question who I am in this life.

...or is there?

     I've found there to be a trend of discontentment among those who seek meaning.  It seems to be quite common to use the cliche comment, "I'm still trying to figure out who I am."  As individuals, we try to find some sort of worldly fulfillment that will define our being.  Sadly, we are forever seeking and searching....and still looking for some kind of answer that confirms we have purpose.

We won't find our meaning in worldly sources.

     There's absolutely nothing in the world that will make us feel accepted, loved, assured, or fulfilled.  If it does not follow you after your life is over, it cannot give you meaning.

"Let my life be the proof of Your love." - For King and Country

     No life can ever be more meaningful than a close walk with God. Isaiah 58:11 says, "And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not." You can have a perfect Savior guiding you through His perfect plan while filling you with His perfect love.  How could life be more......perfect?

     On a personal side note, I've struggled with this message.  I felt called to talk about it several months ago.  I began a blog and saved it as a draft many different times.  There have been several different versions of this one message that have not satisfied my mind.  I cannot simply speak of His glory; that would consume an infinite number of pages that I cannot begin to type.  I cannot give you a simple answer to the question, "Who am I?"  If you are not a Christian, the answer is short: You're a sinner in need of saving.  If you're a Christian, the answer is beautifully complex, yet simple at the same time.  You're the child of the King, clay of the Potter, lamb of the Shepherd, patient of the Great Physician, and so much more... But to put it in the most simple terms: You are His.  That's all that matters.

     Finally, I overcame the struggle I felt for so long.  There is no better way for me to express the purpose He gives me, but through poetry.

Who Am I?

I long to find the person who holds the answer to my query.
I seek this wisdom from wrong sources and I'm starting to grow weary.
After all is said and done...
And this race has yet to be won,
He finds me in the darkness of my despair.
He lifts me up where I can see beyond this wall of doubt and fear.
And before I can even speak...
He gives me the answer for which I seek,
"You are mine."

Lord, You meet me in the sunshine and You meet me in the storm.
Why do You make the time to love me even when I am so truly worn?
You suffered so much pain...
All for just my gain...
I know not what You saw in me when You hung upon that cross.
Who am I in the eyes of the one who gave His life to pay my cost?
When there was no good in me,
You made me worthy.
"You are mine."

My child, I gave My life so you would never wonder who you are on this earth.
My infinite love has defined every moment of your life since before your birth.
You needed me so bad...
And My son was all I had...
Never doubt that your life holds meaning.
I've planned good things since the beginning.
All because He paid...
I will forever say,
"You are mine."

You are His.  May He forever be your purpose,

Monday, August 24, 2015

Boldness With A Humble Spirit

     If there's anything this world needs, it's strength.  We need courage to stand up for what is just and righteous.  Christians need to break through their shell of fear to find the boldness that comes with accepting God's gift of salvation.  Previously, I discussed the cold condition of the heart of society.  In order to break the trend of cold-heartedness, Christians NEED to find their inner boldness.  Our world is in desperate need of the truth.  

     We need more people like Paul who wrote, "And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel. (Ephesians 6:19)"  Did you hear the way he phrased that?  The MYSTERY of the gospel... Many things allude me about the Bible; I learn something new every single time I pick it up, but the fact that the gospel itself is a mystery is what should open our eyes.  The Word needs to be delved into and proclaimed.

     God's love is the only thing that can bring warmth to many longing hearts.  Although nobody is accountable for another person's spiritual condition, it's crucial that God's people work toward exposing the gospel to lost individuals.  Acts 28:31 states, "Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding."  Confidence in The Lord is the greatest thing a man can have. It's a righteous confidence that never fails.

     Do not let confidence become mistaken with pride.  The Lord looks for a humble heart in His people.  Romans 12:3 says, "For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."  This verse reminds a person to not get puffed up in what he mistakes as his own glory.  For example, if you play a part in leading a person to Christ.  That does not mean you did the saving - only God can handle that.  Although the role we play is small, it's necessary and it's something we have to do out of love.  We don't witness because we expect some kind of payment from it - we do it because we don't want their soul to go to Hell.

     The Lord knows that the flesh does get in the way.  Even the apostles had troubles such as this.  Nobody is perfect.  For this reason, The Lord sees fit to put us through trials that not only humble us, but ultimately strengthen our Christian walk of life.  It makes us a better witness and gives us the strength to be bold.  Romans 5:3-5 states, "(3) And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; (4) And patience, experience; and experience, hope: (5) And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."  As Christians, we benefit greatly from tribulation.  The beautiful part about these verses is the fact that it warns us we will have difficult times, but we will always overcome through our Savior.

     Trials and tribulations seem so complex and hard to understand when they happen in our lives.  Prayer is certainly key in such situations.  Prayer is important in every situation, but trials seem to broaden our prayer life.  It brings us closer to God.  1 Peter 4:16 says, "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf."  If we simply sit down and realize that we are in a trying time that will strengthen us, it becomes easier to praise God through the storm.  He knows what's best so what right do we have to panic?

     Another thing we must realize is the fact that God knows exactly what we're going through.  Not only does He see what happens in our lives, but He had to endure sending His son to earth and watching Jesus suffer.  He understands our burden because He's been there.  Philippians 2:5-9 says, "(5) Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus: (6) Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: (7) But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: (8) And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. (9) Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:"  Here we see Jesus coming down to earth in the lowest form, a servant, to show His humble and loving heart.  God exalted Him for never losing faith during this trying time.

     As Christians, we should be modeling our life after Christ's.  Christ lead a perfect life, but the Bible tells us to strive for perfection.  Obviously we can't be 100% perfect because we're not God, but we have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong.  1 Peter says, "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time."  Just as Christ did, we are to humble our hearts so the Lord may find it fit to lift us up out of our trial.  God wants to see our strength grow and our faith increase.

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.  Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." - James 4:8

     Each of us will endure many humbling experiences in life; it's our duty to cling to God and embrace what can be learned from trials.  Our testimony will grow as well.  This is our time to be bold for God.  This means we have the opportunity to help others who may be facing trials or spreading the Word to somebody who may be lost.  1 Corinthians 3:9 states, "For we are laborers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building."  Don't miss out on an opportunity to labor for the Lord.

     Praise the Lord in the hard times.  Praise Him in the easier times.  He's still the Savior of your soul no matter what part of life you're experiencing.  Be bold in your praise and testimony.  Humble yourself before our mighty God.  There's nothing more fulfilling in life than a close walk with the Lord.